The "Friends Zone"

I read an interesting article on the website askmen that talks about this dreaded place for men women don't want to have as their man and/or have sex with called the "Friends Zone". It's a terrible place where men never get to be with the woman their attracted to while a female talks his head off about some guy she got with or whats to get with. Picture this:
You have a female friend that you like in a way that's more than just friends. After contemplating what to do about it, you go for it and ask her out....only to get floored when she tells you something along the lines of:
"I'm not ready for a relationship"
"I don't want to lose what we have"
You shuffle dejectedly away, hoping nobody else witnessed what just transpired. A few days later, the "friend" calls you up excitedly in the middle of the night (after you finished jerking off to her in your mind), telling you that she just met this great, exciting guy at the club tonight, and what luck! She met him 5 mins. after walking in! Great for her, HORRIBLE for you.
Great. So NOW what do you do? What I'd do is just say "That's great, but I'm busy, so I'll talk to ya later, ok?". Why? Because she basically said she doesn't like you, and that all you are (and ever will be) to her is a friend, so why stick around? Give her what she wanted to begin with: your NON-presence!
You shuffle dejectedly away, hoping nobody else witnessed what just transpired. A few days later, the "friend" calls you up excitedly in the middle of the night (after you finished jerking off to her in your mind), telling you that she just met this great, exciting guy at the club tonight, and what luck! She met him 5 mins. after walking in! Great for her, HORRIBLE for you.
Great. So NOW what do you do? What I'd do is just say "That's great, but I'm busy, so I'll talk to ya later, ok?". Why? Because she basically said she doesn't like you, and that all you are (and ever will be) to her is a friend, so why stick around? Give her what she wanted to begin with: your NON-presence!
What you first need to realize is that women see men as falling into 1 of 3 categories:
1- Guys they want to immediately have sex with
2- Guys they might be interested in having sex with
3- Guys who will forever be typecast into the "friends" role. (Translation: no sex--EVER--no matter what you do or how hard you try.)
The reason you get trapped in the "Friends Zone" is because:
She’s not attracted to youThe reason you get trapped in the "Friends Zone" is because:
Oh, sure, she finds you funny, fun to be with -- but she's just plain not feelin' you. Short of a new hairstyle and wardrobe (or maybe reincarnation?), there’s not a lot you can do about this, so don’t even kid yourself. Sometimes that’s just the way it is. If she‘s just not into you, you have a choice to make: Either stay as her friend or blow her off for better oppurtunity elsewhere.
You don’t have the goods
When it comes to choosing men for sex, the number one priority for most women is money. If you don’t have it (or enough of it), odds are you’ll be immediately dumped into the Friend Zone.
You’re a doormat
She has downgraded you to friend status because you’re way too nice, too accommodating and too ass-kissing. She knows she can have you just by snapping her fingers. You follow her around like a moon-eyed puppy dog. You try to impress her. You think you can buy her attention with flowers, gifts and expensive meals. You are a wuss and she can’t wait to castrate you and make you her best girlfriend who’ll look after her pets while she goes running off for the weekend with a tattooed biker.
She’s a psycho
She’s been abused or brutalized by the Bad Boys she’s voluntarily chosen to date (and she blames her bad choices on the men themselves, of course), so now she can’t even begin to establish a normal relationship with a normal guy. These women are famous for aggressively flirting with a man, then reacting with horror when he comes on to her (“I thought we were friends”). The only male a psycho can psychologically deal with is a nonsexual “friend.”
Here's what I'd suggest you do to avoid it
Make yourself hard to pin down (Like I mentioned above)
Stop acting like her puppet and be ready to be near here every time she calls. Wait a day or two or more to return one of her phone calls. Be a challenge, not a doormat.
Start (or continue if you already were; don't stop) dating other women
In other words, make her jealous. If she has any sexual interest in you at all, this will drive her crazy.
Flip it and ask HER for advice on the women you date!
Openly talk about other women and how hot they are. Ask her for advice about what women want in a man and how you can get close to these women.
Tell her you want to be “just friends”
She isn’t stupid -- she’s known all along that you want to hit that, so if you reject her sexually, she won’t be able to stand it.
If she responds romantically, be challenging
Keep her off balance. Be a challenge. Be unpredictable. Keep her guessing. Never let her think that she’s got you by your nuts. There’s a huge difference between wanting her and needing her -- she’ll react a lot differently around you if she thinks you could leave her at any time for another pretty face.
And there ya have it, guys! Any questons???
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